
Dryslope Consulting
Dryslope design is one of PAB’s core areas of expertise with an unprecedented depth of knowledge, we can assist snowsport facilities to envision, develop, and advance their business. We provide everything you need to know and can supply both airbag and dryslope material. Our partner JF DrySki provides the most realistic material available on the market.
4 Step Process
The dryslope facility design is a 4 step process to take you from concept to a site design that you can take to tender with a local contracting company for specific construction quotes.
Determine Jump Ramp Size and Ramp Configuration Options:
- Several initial slope configuration options for your evaluation and selection.
- Preliminary recommended site profile and cut/fill requirements.
- CAD drawings with plan/profile view of the site – Shown on the existing slope topo lines, including the ramp’s finished grade dimensions required for dryslope installation.
- Conceptual drawings with the recommended site plan layout for client confirmation of final ramp design.
Once we have confirmed the ramp design, we can move forward with providing a general site plan with all information required for your contractor to provide quotes for construction. This includes:
- Overall site dimensions
- Dryslope Layout
- Drop in ramp dimensions, pressure-treated wood (or concrete) platform dimensions, compact fill and drainage gravel dimensions and requirements
- Anchor requirements and layout
- Jump design dimensions
- PAB Overall Dimensions
- Sprinkler layout requirements and methodology
- Irrigation pump requirements
- Air blower power requirements
This is the detailed plan that shows the proposed earthworks, cut/fill, required side slopes and ramp positioning on the site. Note these are recommendations only and should be reviewed and approved by a geotechnical engineer prior to construction. They include:
- Existing site and Proposed site plan view
- Site profile view
- Slope cross-section analysis
- Cut fill analysis
- Complete site CAD model for reference
- Final site CAD rendering for presentation